Social Media Guidelines
Northwestern Mutual has a presence on various social media sites including Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter. While we have a presence on these sites, they are hosted by third parties with their own privacy policies, security policies and terms of use. We do not control or endorse any advertising, messages, content, or links published by these third parties. Northwestern Mutual's social media sites are open to the public and may include Northwestern Mutual employees, advisors, representatives, clients and their families. Any postings by any entity other than Northwestern Mutual are of those persons/entities submitting them and do not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of Northwestern Mutual. As a member of a highly regulated industry, Northwestern Mutual reserves the right to remove any posts and block any followers.
Northwestern Mutual's social media sites are intended to provide general information and encourage interaction within the community. We are not providing investment or tax advice on these sites, and nothing posted by us should be construed as a recommendation to or an offer to buy any particular product or service. Additionally, while we occasionally provide links to third-party content that we believe our followers may find interesting, the linked sites are neither endorsed by nor under Northwestern Mutual's control (unless otherwise noted) and we are not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the content or any changes or updates made to the third-party sites.
If you utilize Northwestern Mutual's social media sites, we ask that you:
- Use good judgment when posting comments. Don't post comments that can be viewed as offensive, inappropriate, defamatory, untruthful, harassing, threatening, stalking, discriminatory, abusive, or profane.
- Do not post any personal, account, or financial information anywhere.
- Avoid discussing specific insurance or investment products, investment advice, or trading strategies, or producers.
- Not attach copyrighted or other protected material unless you own or control those rights.
For information regarding Northwestern Mutual's privacy practices please refer to our privacy policy
If you are a client and have specific questions related to your policy or account, please follow this link: Contact Us.
Northwestern Mutual's social media sites are not intended as a solicitation in any jurisdiction in which Northwestern Mutual or any of its subsidiaries are not authorized to transact business.