Why do I need it?

Man looking at blueprints

Supplement your
employer's plan

Disability insurance lets you close the gap between what's covered by your employer's group policy and what you need to maintain your lifestyle. Even if you have group disability insurance through work, most group plans:

  • Only covers a portion of your income (typically 50%–60%).
  • Deliver benefits often subject to income tax.
  • End when you leave the company.
  • Offer short-term benefits (typically only 6–24 months).

Why Northwestern Mutual?

Affordable coverage

Affordable coverage

For less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee, your monthly disability insurance premium can help you protect your family.2

Now covering more people

Now covering more people

Our disability insurance is more inclusive than ever, and includes offerings for stay-at-home parents and part-time employees. Even if you didn't get coverage with us in the past, it's a great time to take another look.

Coverage specifically for doctors

Coverage specifically for doctors

For people in the medical field – doctors, dentists, and medical students – disability insurance is especially important because you're not just protecting your income. You're protecting the investment you've made in your career. Our financial advisors can help you choose a policy specifically tailored to physicians. Learn More Learn More